Enso Project Vision

In the ‘Universal View,’ life ebbs and flows, providing the opportunity for deepening and integrating our field of practice for engaged compassion in our daily life, with the motivation to benefit humanity and our living Earth.


Ken with frog helper - Sameer's garden project 2.jpg

Kenneth Small

with garden frog helper

Throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s, Ken Shuho Small studied and practiced Zen with Joshu Sasaki Roshi, Genei Tashiro Roshi and into the present time with Sandy Gentei Stewart Osho. In 1971, Ken received lay vows and his Zen name, Shuho, from Joshu Sasaki Roshi.

Since the mid-1970s, he has been deeply involved in cooperative community development, ethnobotany, and herbal medicine. Ken has also engaged in and promoted the indigenous spiritual and healing traditions of Mexico and the Americas. Since the 1990s, he has hosted scores of teachers from all schools of Tibetan Vajrayana traditions, especially Dzogchen; viewing its common roots in practice with Zen.

Ken is curator and collaborator of the Perennial Wisdom Resource Collection and the Lomaland Community Theosophy Archive at San Diego State University’s Special Collections and University Archives.

With the help of others, Ken established The Enso Project in 2018. He now serves as The Enso Project’s ‘vision holder’ and guiding facilitator for Zen practice.