Wabi Sabi Zen
Ken Shuho Small Ken Shuho Small

Wabi Sabi Zen

Wabi Sabi Zen is purely natural Zen. It is exemplified in the life of the Zen

hermit Ryokan. (1758-1831) Ryokan’s utter simplicity and directness point us

to a Zen practice that is unaffected by exterior forms and disciplines, into a

natural world of direct experience…

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Engaging our Circle of Presencing Emptiness 
Ken Shuho Small Ken Shuho Small

Engaging our Circle of Presencing Emptiness 

In Zen culture that developed in Japan the use of the Enso in art and

calligraphy is pervasive, where the Enso circle is the most popular of

calligraphies. The historical roots go back to India, where the initial concept

of zero was represented by the bindu or dot, the intrinsic spirit-life seed

within all reality. This later evolved into the circle or Sunya and then to the

Buddhist paradoxical idea of Emptiness or Sunyata - the ‘empty’ (sunya)

that is completely ‘full’ (ta)…

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